$179.00 USD

Want the Ultimate Snack Guide for Toddlers?

This is the BEST snack guide you’ll ever find for toddlers and be ready to tackle snack times with ease!


  • Pantry, fridge and freezer grocery list to always keep your kitchen stocked with easy to grab whole foods for snacks
  • 75+ no recipe snack combos to quickly reference anytime and get out of the snack rut!! 
  • How to space apart snack times based on how many snacks toddlers should have 
  • How big snacks should be (and if you should put a time limit on snack time)
  • Overcoming the snack obsession so meals and snacks are on more of a level playing field
  • Time management so healthy snacks are almost always possible
  • How to create snacks with staying power, that are balanced and full of nutrition


  • My favourite brands of packaged snacks that meet the mark nutrition wise. You can feel good about using these on the go or in times of need! Complete with images!


  •  Over 30 recipes for those ambitious times when you’re able to cook, bake or prep snacks ahead of time and store in the fridge/freezer to access all week or month in a jiffy!

Add for only $10 more!

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Baby Beginnings Bundle

The Baby Led Feeding + Safe Beginnings Infant CPR Course – for 360 degree coverage on safely feeding your baby

What you'll get:

  • Baby Led Feeding online course (Value $99)
  • Safe Beginnings Infant CPR & Choking Prevention Course (Value $85)

What's in the infant CPR course?

  • How to recognize an emergency and when to phone 9-1-1
  •  How to manage an unresponsive baby, child or adult
  •  How to perform CPR on a baby, child or adult
  •  How to help a choking baby, child or adult
  •  Including maneuvers for pregnancy and other bodies that require modification
  •  A signature discuss on preventing injuries for babies & toddlers

Taught by Holly Choi - Certified Red Cross First Aid Instructor, Baby + Toddler Safety Expert

Holly is a nationally-certified first aid instructor with both the Canadian Red Cross and Lifesaving Society of BC/Yukon, and a Child Passenger Safety Technician with Safe Kids Worldwide and the Child Passenger Safety Association of Canada (CPSAC). Holly sits on the national board of directors for CPSAC. Holly has successfully completed the Home Hazards Test (HHT) with the International Association for Child Safety and is an active member of the North American childproofing community.

Her extensive experience and knowledge in baby and toddler safety (first aid, car seat safety, child proofing and injury prevention), in addition to being a mom of 2, gives her a well-rounded and unique perspective.

Payment details.

Payment will be deducted from your Paypal or Credit Card automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt from either Stripe or Paypal.

What happens next?

After you enter your payment details, you should receive two separate emails welcoming you to each course with log-in details (please allow 1-2 hours for email to get to your inbox).