[without the agitating mealtime battles, stress over what they're eating, or confusion around all those "what-do-I-do-when?" scenarios]


If you’re the parent/caregiver of a toddler, soon-to-be toddler or even of a school aged child who's looking to achieve stress-free, healthy mealtimes while squashing picky eating in its tracks, then you already know that you need a step-by-step plan.

You already know that one-off-tips from a blog or Instagram page just isn't going to cut it anymore.

And I know there's no need to ramble on about how working with an expert and mom who's "been there, done that" will give you the know-how to turn your toddler into an adventurous eater.

In fact, you probably have already been telling those close to you that you just want answers and you don't want to wait to see "if this is just a phase..."


Even if you've been lucky enough to have a few tips and tricks work for a few meals (THANK GOD)...having a holistic, step-by-step approach that helps you see the whole picture can:

  • Give you the confidence of being your own feeding expert

    No more second guessing yourself. With expert strategies and a plan, you will know what and how to best feed your toddler without any of the mom guilt, constant questioning and feelings of regret.
  • Consistently allow for stress-free meals

    You can actually look forward to coming to the table with your child. Mealtimes will be happy times where you can bond together and focus on enjoying each other's company instead of  focusing on what is/isn't being eaten!). Those happy family moments don't just exist on TV!
  • Reverse picky eating and achieve peace of mind

    Seeing the whole picture and tackling picky eating at the source, from many angles, means you can actually reverse picky eating instead of hoping for one good meal here and there. You can finally rest assured your child is in good health, knows their body and is getting all they need to grow well!
  • Lead to having an adventurous eater for life

    Sitting down to one meal for the whole family (that you actually enjoy too!) will be a thing. Going to cool, new restaurants with your toddler and not having to rely on a kids' menu will also be a thing! You can finally rest assured that your toddler will have the foundation to grow into a competent eater, even into adulthood!

Even though the motivation to instill healthy eating habits and manage your toddler's picky eating is clear, the path to actually doing so is anything but.

Raise a happy, healthy eater? Great!

Now how on earth do I start?

Maybe you've already been actively trying to set up or change the way your toddler eats and have found yourself resorting to catering to your toddler, begging, pleading or heck...even bribing them to eat differently! 

You've tried making food look fun, offering them treats to eat something, or ipads to stay at the table, and exposed them to a food for what seems like the hundredth time! You search for ways to get veggies or protein into favourite foods and are downright fed up with cooking healthy meals only to have them refused (or thrown) in a matter of seconds.

Perhaps you even know some of the "should's and shouldn'ts" around feeding, implemented tips from experts on Instagram and despite your best efforts, still aren't sure of where you're going wrong.

And you swear...if you hear them begging for a snack after a meal one more time...arghhh!!

Here's why most great parents find this process to be so stressful and out of their hands:

Without one person (an actual expert with experience) to lay out the WHOLE picture of what and how to feed your toddler, it's all just a bunch of random things you're trying. There's nothing that helps you connect the dots. Nothing that sticks. And God thing you're doing in one place may be completely counteracting what you're doing in another...and you wouldn't even know it!

Here's how this can make things harder:

The more stressed you are as a parent around meals, the more your toddler feels it and puts up a fight around food. The less confidence you feel around how you feed, the less confident your toddler will feel around how they eat

The good news...change is 100% possible and it starts with you!

Finding the missing piece to what you've already tried is usually quite clear once you have the whole picture. Then stress levels can go down, confidence can go up and change can start to happen little by little (even when you think it's too late)!



A Complete, Actionable Roadmap to Confidently Feed Your Toddler and Raise a Healthy Eater


I've taken everything I've learned from raising two picky-turned-adventurous eaters myself, paired with over 10 years experience working directly with thousands of parents to successfully transform mealtimes and health outcomes, and put it all into a step-by-step program that walks you through the theory AND actions to take to confidently feed your toddler, manage picky eating and raise a healthy eater!

This completely self-paced online course takes you through ALL the factors affecting your toddlers eating and health, and one by one, helps you move from setting up the foundation for success, to implementing the more nitty gritty strategies in sequential order so that it all works together!


Section 1

How To Feed Your Toddler

We start off learning HOW to feed before learning WHAT to feed...because no matter how healthy of plate you put in front of your child, learning how to feed them in a way that builds trust, removes stress and battles and encourages them to want to eat is always the first step. This is where we learn how to raise a happy eater, get them trying new things and build your confidence in the process!

Section 1 Highlights:

  • Understand your role in feeding vs. your child’s role in eating to eliminate short order cooking, bribing and mealtime battles!
  • Learn expert strategies only feeding specialists know to get your toddler to come to the table and to set up the mealtime environment for successful eating
  • The secrets to serving meals in a way to encourage mindful eating, expose your toddler to new food with reduced anxiety, and reduce overall food waste.
  • What to say and do at mealtimes to promote adventurous eating, manage tantrums and requests, and keep mealtimes pleasant and focused!
  • Examples of scripts to use at the table to avoid food battles and encourage adventurous eating!
  • Learn my one rule to serving one meal for the entire family, ensure exposure to new foods, and be considerate without catering
  • My Rut Buster strategy to get variation back into your toddler's diet!
  • From toddler to food scientist – play based exploration to get your toddler touching, playing, licking, smelling and eating foods they've never come close to before!
  • Learn special tools I use to add novelty and interest to generate a newfound interest in eating!
  • My 3 strategies to confidently raise an intuitive eater who can handle sweets in a healthy and manageable way!

Section 2

What To Feed Your Toddler

Now that stress levels are down, your toddler is more relaxed and open to trying food, and you feel super confident in how to feed and manage all situations, we can start to tackle the nutrition aspect to ensure your toddler is a healthy eater!

  • Learn how much and what types of food your toddler needs to be healthy...then....
  • Learn how to assess your toddlers current nutrition, track intake and make decisions accordingly
  • My secret formula to always ensure you're building healthy meals and snacks (with suggestions on easy ways to fix the most common mistakes I see)
  • My proven strategy to ending the constant whines for snacks and how to make snacks work for you, not against you!
  • Understand the milk, water and beverage recommendations, how much and when to serve it (and how it can affect your child's eating)
  • Navigate dairy alternatives, allergies and nutritional considerations
  • Review of protein, iron, fat, fibre, calcium, vitamin D, omega 3 needs for toddlers
  • Multivitamins, probiotics and other supplements for toddlers (yes, no and how much?)
  • Dietitian approved supplement recommendations
  • Dealing with constipation, allergies and intolerances, preventing/managing iron deficiency
  • Growth concerns (under/overweight) and understanding the toddler growth charts

Plus Amazing Bonuses

to make happy AND healthy eating a real thing!

30 Printable Resources To Help You Take Action

Identify your toddlers needs, define a plan and make it happen! These resources can be turned into a workbook that provides you with:

  • Cheatsheets
  • Assessments
  • Menu plans
  • Tracking sheets
  • Hands on games and activities
  • Mealtime scripts and more!

You can quickly access the most important tips, reflect on the progress you've made and get daily inspiration on what to work on next!

Join the Feeding Toddlers Course!

50+ Easy & Nutrient Dense Recipes

I'm all about making things easy for you. You need inspiration? Oh you got it!

  • Simple Breakfast Recipe Booklet
  • Simple Lunch Recipe Booklet
  • Family Dinner Recipe Booklet
  • Toddler Snack Ideas Cheat Sheets
  • Healthy Baked Good Recipe Booklet

You can quickly access the most important tips, reflect on the progress you've made and get daily inspiration on what to work on next!

Join the Feeding Toddlers Course!

Private & Lifetime Access to the MLE Clients Only Support Group

Your opportunity to learn doesn’t end once you’ve gone through the course. You get to connect with an amazing group of parents going through the same stages you are, PLUS, access to Edwena (like having your own personal in-home dietitian!) for monthly Q&A's, ongoing education and helpful tips. Ask questions, share successes/struggles, and get in with an awesome tribe of parents for lifetime support!

Join the Feeding Toddlers Course!

Access To Course Material Anywhere via Mobile App, Audio Files and PDF!

You don't have to be at home at a computer to learn how to be your own feeding expert. Whether you like to hop on and watch a lesson via a free mobile phone app while you wait in the car, want to put in your earphones and listen while you wash the dishes, or prefer to read the PDF version of the course quietly from the comfort of your bed...there's no shortage of options. It's truly design to be accessible to you when and where you need it....and access never expires!

Join the Feeding Toddlers Course!

Join thousands of other parents who have experienced successful mealtimes!

"I feel like we have done a complete 180 in such a good way! She has eaten so well this week, trying new foods, not throwing food and gobbling everything we gave her up! Even at daycare it was the first week she ate really good every day! The tips in this program really helped and I couldn't believe the immediate results!"

Jenna Poste
Mom of 18 month old


Rebecca Ohanian, Mom of 17 month old

Frequently Asked Questions

Because this is an online course, you set the pace for how long you would like to spend on the material. There are 6 1/2 hours worth of material in the entire course, broken down into 10-20 minute lessons for easy learning whenever you want! 

I recommend watching 1-2 lessons per week, and implementing the action steps at the end of each lesson intentionally. Then, jump into the clients only support group, share your experiences, ask your questions, and then move onto another couple lessons the week after! Over the course of 4-8 weeks, you can have completely transformative mealtimes and the most solid foundation set when it's all done step by step.

You have lifetime access to the entire course! If you ever need to brush up on material or would like to retake it at any point in the future, you can! I am always updating the course with new material, lessons, resources and extra support in the client support group. You get ALL these updates for life and can use the information for any new siblings to come!

I’m a registered pediatric dietitian and feeding expert who has been practicing in the field for over 11 years. I graduated from a 4 year science degree at Dalhousie University with a major in Neuroscience, and then went on to complete 5 years of Applied Nutrition and Dietetics including a one year internship from Mount Saint Vincent University.

I’m also a mom of two boys and have gone through the process of feeding fussy toddlers myself. I have felt the stress and worry over how to handle this phase, and was able to overcome it and raise two very adventurous and pleasant eaters who LOVE mealtimes and a great variety of food. Combined with the hundreds of clients I’ve worked with through private practice, I know the ins and outs, tips & tricks, plus ALL the latest evidence based research and professional feeding strategies to allow me to teach this information with you with full confidence!

This entire course is offered for the price of less than ONE private session with a dietitian. The amount of info and the level of care put into this course equates $1800 worth of counselling and resources. Because my goal is to get this into the hands of as many parents who need my help as possible, I'm making this extremely affordable for everyone.

Not only the monetary value, but the value of sitting down to stress free meals with your toddler, knowing you will enjoy them wherever you go, can eat all the same foods, and that you are confidently feeding and raising them in a healthy way is invaluable. 

As one mom who recently took the course put it..."Can I say...this is the best money I have ever spent?! This toddler feeding class is worth its weight in gold! Thank you so much - I have already seen improvement in just ONE day!"

Because I’m a mom too and want you to walk away feeling satisfied with the content in this course, I offer a 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the content of this course. I am able to see that you watched the videos and if you can show me that you put in the work to use the resources and implement the tips, I will gladly grant you a full refund. All you need to do is let me know within 60 days of purchasing and show me why you felt the content was not complete.

This course isn't for someone who isn't ready at this time to put in 15-30 minutes a week to watching a couple lessons, challenge themselves to try new things, or who isn't coming with an open mindset. The majority of work with feeding picky toddlers (or preventing picky eating) actually comes from the parents believe it or not! It takes some persistence, a willingness to go through each lesson step by step and implement action as you go. That is....if you want to see some real and lasting change and find the joy in eating with your toddler!

The course is called "Feeding toddlers" (technically ages 1-3), however, the content and strategies work for kids up to age 7 or 8! So much so that I included some information where relevant to use for older kids as well! I use these strategies still with my boys and they work like a charm ;) 

For setting a solid foundation and preventing picky eating, I recommend parents take the course right around 10-12 months of age, and implement the strategies right away or as soon as the first signs of pickiness start to appear. You'll know how to handle every situation like a pro, right from the start. And remember, course access never expires so if you get it to prepare yourself, you can always go back and revisit it anytime you need a refresher!

"This course is EVERYTHING! At first I kept thinking this was all just a phase that would pass, but as things got worse I decided to take this course to see what I could tweak. Turns out there was so much I didn't realize I could be doing (and not doing!) that made an immediate difference in how my boy experienced mealtimes! Everyone says how he is such a good eater now and as a family we can finally enjoy mealtimes in peace!"

Christy Lavalette
Mom of 3 year old


50% Complete

Two Step

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